Saturday 11 May 2024

Preparation for the big boat ride

I am just over a week from retirement and we are just over a month until we head out on a journey we have dreamed of for years.  We have been members of America's Great Loop Cruisers Association for years but only in wanna be status.  It's hard to believe that we will be heading out on this life changing journey in such a short time.  We look forward to so much, meeting new friends, meeting our existing friends and family on our journey and just enjoying the adventure. 

The preparations have been intense.  New radar...yeah it spins.  Steve is very excited about that!  Water maker, so we can drink the ocean, many new batteries and solar panels to charge the batteries.  We should be pretty much self sufficient. 

We haven't started to pack yet but our space is limited so we have to be very strategic.  When Steve brought home the water maker it filled the back of his pick up truck.  I just looked at it and said "where are we going to put that?!"  Well it's installed!  We have huge storage in our state room and it fits nicely under the bed.  Well.......... we were going to pack a years supply of Clamato there but it s looking like Bloody Marys State side.......yuck!

Friday 10 May 2024

Leaving Starport Marina for the last time before our big boat ride

Officially retired now so preparation is in high gear. Left our home  port Starport Marina on lake Simcoe for the last time on July 2nd.
Heading back to Perkins dock which is much closer to home which allows us to reduce our to do list much faster. The water maker is now in full service. There was a bit of a celebration when that started working. This means we never have to worry about looking for fresh water. Unlimited drinking water and showers!!..oh the luxuries we take for granted.

My next post will not be until we have departed on our year long journey on July 26th. Until then, we will be busy with final preparations and celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary on July 9th. Feels like just yesterday so I can just imagine how quickly this next year will fly by.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Last night at home departing from Perkins dock

We enjoyed one last beautiful sunset at our land home and have now officially moved onboard and will be floating for the next year.  "Looper" flag installed so our fellow "Loopers" will be able to recognize us and the flag makes for some interesting conversation with all of our fellow boaters along the way. 

Packing the boat was a chore, trying to fit a houseful of necessities in to a an area smaller than our living room.....BUT WE DID IT!!  Steve has been slowly bringing supplies, which I discovered as I was looking for space to store additional bedding and towels.  Every little compartment that I opened....there was a bottle of Clamato juice!  I thought I was brilliant on Friday when I spent the day blanching veggies and vacuum packing for the freezer.  Not a fan of canned veggies and the perfectly portioned packs are brilliant....right?  I also portioned out steak and chicken and vacuum packed for freezing as well...brilliant.....right?   WRONG!  April called me later in the day on Friday and started her conversation as always..."what are you doing?"  I think I even stuck my chest out when I answered her..."I am portioning out our meals and preparing for the freezer on the boat!  I have enough meat and veggies that I won't have to find a grocery store for a month!"  April's response....which deflated my posture to that of Popeye before his spinach....."You are crossing the boarder in 7 - 10 days aren't you?  You can't take meat and veggies across the boarder you know."  Yes I did know but not sure why I never thought of that.  So...if we happen to bump in to you prior to boarder crossing...who ever you are invited for dinner. 

Off to a wedding this afternoon then we'll be leaving the dock when we arrive back at the boat this evening for an evening cruise to Bobcaygeon where we will wait for the locks to open at 9am Sunday.  We will go as far as possible but likely to Gamebridge lock or Lake Simcoe.  Feeling a little like a kid on the first day of summer break.  Looking forward to what is in store for us as we begin the adventure that has only been a dream for many years.  Here we go living our lives "One Bay at a Time".

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Bobcaygeon to Lake Simcoe to Echo Bay

Arrived to the boat at 1:30am Sunday morning after attending a fantastic wedding. Congrats to Erika and Adam Cain!  We were so excited to start our journey that we untied from the dock that night and took a very pleasant evening cruise to Bobcaygeon. We arrived at 4am and when we awoke we were surprised so see 5 other Loopers also waiting to go through Bobcaygeon Lock. While we were preparing to lock through we heard a "Hi y'all."  We met Jonathon and Rosa from "Salty." This will be their third time travelling the loop. We also met Mark and Pam from "Sea Bear." Dave and Penny from  "Penny Pinchin." Jack and Jane from "Spirit," Mike and Jana from "Lady J."

We travelled as far as Thorah Lock that day.  The locks were so busy it took longer than normal but nice to see all the boats out using our Trent system. The next day we stayed at a cottage that was rented by Steve's Sisters family on Lake Simcoe. The winds were calm so it was easy to anchor out in front of the cottage. We used the kayak and tied it to the side of the boat. When we awoke in the morning it was gone. We searched the shore thinking it would have blown in but we found it floating in the middle of the lake.
Once we had our kayak back on board we were off.  Another busy day so Big Chute Marine railway was as far as we travelled.  We were on our way again at first lock on Tuesday morning.  Stayed at one of our favourite anchorages in Georgian Bay just South of Parry Sound, Echo Bay.  The geese there are so tame they were eating out of my hand.  I have a terrible fear of birds so this was a feat only accomplished with a little help from my friend wine.  The geese weren't even afraid of Dexter.  
Today we fueled up in Parry Sound and tucked in to Regatta Bay just North of there.  We will stay put here to wait out a couple of windy days and then float to Killarney "One Bay at a Time."

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Regatta Bay to the Bustard Islands to Killarney

We left Regatta Bay, heading to the Bustard Islands.  The winds were a little wild and we have an open area of water to get to our next anchorage so we decided to stay there for 2 nights. Saturday we went as far as the Bustard Islands in Northern Georgian Bay. We planned on going to Killarney the following day so we got up with the sun and thought we would beat the wind but no such luck. The run from The Bustard Islands to Killarney has an open run across  Georgian Bay that takes about 2 hours. We started out but turned back because the winds were too high once we exited our well protected anchorage.  What to do while we wait???
 Today is Monday August 3rd and we were up early again and today we beat the wind. I would say "so there! Mother Nature" but I don't want to piss her off so I will just say thank you Mother Nature.

You can not go through the Killarney channel with out stopping for the best fish and chips ever at
Herbert's (even if you do still have enough meat on board to feed 20 hungry teenagers and you will be crossing the boarder in 3 or 4 days). They have always operated from a red school bus so when we didn't see it we were very disappointed only to learn that they out grew their bus and opened a fully licensed restaurant. The fish and chips are still just as good. We also stocked up at the LCBO which is conveniently located right beside Herbert's.
We arrived at another of our favourite anchorages, Covered Portage.  This anchorage is very well protected and is surrounded by white cliffs.  Once we were settled we took a hike to the top and burned off some of those fish and chip calories.   Should be State side by the end of the week!

Back to the boat after our hike, looking forward to what ever tomorrow holds...."One Bay at a Time".

Monday 6 May 2024

Killarney repairs to Drummond Island

Good thing we were at our favourite anchorage!  We had planned on staying 2 nights but 2 nights turned in to 4.  Steve is very diligent about checking the engines every morning.  Makes sure all liquids are where they should be and everything looks good.  He noticed one of the belts was worn so thought best change it sooner than later.  While he was changing the belt he noticed a coolant leak.  When he checked the coolant pump it was very loose and he said the bearings were shot.  It's not easy getting parts for a 1984 Mitsubishi diesel.  Many have said go to Seattle Washington...there is a guy.  Well the guy said yeah I can get you one for $4000 from Japan or I can rebuild the one you have but I won't do that until you send me yours.  Ugh.............tick tock.  So we remembered a boat named Crowe's Nest.  He had the exact same boat as ours and repowered about 5 or 6 years ago.  Steve still had his contact information so he called and asked if we could buy the coolant pump from him.  He remembered us and said he sold his engines to a mechanic at a Marina in Midland.  He gave us his number and this guy couldn't have been nicer.  He said yes he would sell us the part and even drive to Killarney and install if we needed him to.  That wasn't necessary but he did put everything together for us in a package.  Our daughter Sarah lives about 20 minutes from Midland so we called her and asked her if she could go there and pick up the parts and ship them to us in Killarney.  Well she would have no part of that....."shit can go wrong when you ship" she she insisted on driving to Killarney with our parts.  She arrived at 4pm on Thursday.  I met her in Killarney and drove her back to the boat with the parts by dinghy.  The best fish and chips in all of Canada is in Killarney so I promised Sarah I would treat her to dinner for the drive.  We drove back to Killarney in the dinghy for fish and chips and were back at the boat by 6:30.  BOAT FIXED!!
Sarah spent the night with us that night and we headed out for the US the next morning.  Made the swing bridge at Little Current perfectly at 2pm.  It opens every hour on the hour for 15 minutes.
  From there we anchored at an Island about 54 miles from the US boarder.  Great night but no exercise for Dexter so Steve took him for his morning run via kayak.  We were up with the sun and ready to go it was smooth sailing to Drummond Island.
  Anchors away and we are in the U.S.  Flying the US flag because that's just good boating etiquette.  You should always fly the flag of the country you are visiting.  The boarder crossing at Drummond Island couldn't have been easier.  Not sorry I tossed the food because I'm sure there are fish more hungry than us.  I can eat popcorn for dinner but made a concoction of pasta..packaged cheese sauce, cream cheese, rosemary, and canned salmon.  Steve really liked not so much.
The boarder crossing is nothing like crossing by car.  You drive in and dock...DO NOT leave your boat.  They come to you and they were so nice to us.  Sense of humour and everything!!!  When do you ever see that in a car? First thing I said was "Can I take our dog for a pee"...he was all over the Jack Russell cause he has 2!!!  So boarder guy gave us his direct line and a get out of jail free card.....and you can have a shower and go for a bike ride!!!

All cleared to boat in US waters "One Bay at a Time"

Sunday 5 May 2024

Drummond Island to Mackinaw Island

Good sleep last night after a good travel day to Drummond Island and new waters!!  Left Drummond Island about 8:30 heading toward Mackinaw Island.  Waters were calm to begin but then out to the open waters of Lake Huron.  It was still pretty calm given the amount of open water.  This water is nothing like we are used to in the Kawarthas.  You don't often have boats looking like this pass by.  Their wake is enough to break a few dishes if you aren't prepared.
I absolutely love Mackinaw Island...Dexter....not so much.  There are no motorized vehicles allowed here so there are literally thousands of bicycles on the streets along with horse and buggies.  The town is sooo clean.  You never even see any horse sh*# .......ever.  Not sure how they do that?? Ok, those last 2 sentences in italics were posted yesterday.  Yes you see horse sh*#, but not very much.  They are very good at following the horses and keeping their town clean.   There are rules here and everyone abides by them....hellllloooo laws...why wouldn't you?  But here it just works.  When we approached the marine we radioed in for a slip assignment and were told no, you can't do that until you are in the marina, this is first come, first serve....very fair.  After we arrived and got settled we took a walk up to the main street with Dexter.  It was just way to busy for him so we brought him back to the boat and went just ourselves.  He was much happier on the boat.  He didn't like the horses at all. 
Now this next picture is for  Len and Gail.  In a town where there are no motorized vehicles allowed.....they have a Harley Davidson store?  Upon approaching the store we see the bike is not motorized.  We laughed as we thought of our good friends.

Day 2 on Mackinaw Island.  What a great day to break out the bikes! There is a road that  travels right around the coast of the island.  It's a total of 8 miles so after Dexter had is morning walk we decided to take it on.  Absolutely beautiful!!  There are mile markers every mile so you know where you are.  We haven't used the bikes much at all since we bought them 3 or 4 years ago.  I'm pretty sure we'll be using them much more now.

 As we passed mile one we came upon a beach with hundreds of Inuksuks?  Not sure if that is the proper name.  Someone asked us and that's what I told them.....Steve told him I made it up. Maybe I did??
Mile 6 with the Mackinaw Bridge in the distance.
Arrived back at the boat at about 11am.  We are planning on lunch at the Grand Hotel.  So thought we would exercise Dexter before we left for lunch.  There is a park close and it wasn't very busy as most people stick to the streets....because there are no cars!!  Dexter got his off leash chuck it...soo happy!
It's about a 1/2 hour walk to the Grand Hotel for lunch so we decided to take the bikes.  We love our bikes! We parked our bikes in the Grand Hotel parking lot which looks like this....
 We had a delicious lunch of salad, fresh oysters, fresh shrimp, lamb, pasta, chicken, assorted cheeses, fruits and desserts.  The hotel is very historic.  We had a great view from our table.

When we left the hotel we decided to go up the hill and tour the homes close to the Grand Hotel.  Well we never saw the homes...I guess we took a wrong turn which resulted in a 6 mile bike ride home. Our asses hurt!!
Approaching the boat now after lunch.  The bike ride back was good to burn off many of the calories consumed.  The streets here are riddled with bicycles.  It's no wonder there are no cars allowed because there wouldn't be the space for them anywhere.  On the main street it can be a challenge to find a spot for your bike.
It's been a great day with so much more to look forward to.  When we check in to the Mackinaw Marina they asked us would you like to book for 2 nights or just "One Bay at a Time?"  I smiled.  We will decide where we will go tomorrow over dinner tonight.  Somewhere Northern Lake Michigan, "One Bay at a Time."